4 Jul 2013

Southern Candymakers - New Orleans

It's praline, but not like in the middle of those chocolates. It's New Orleans praline, and this place is supposedly the best place to buy them.

We walk into Southern Candymakers and realise what all the fuss is about. There are machines turning chocolate, giant fridges and freezers marked 'sea salt' or 'chocolate' and then a long server with every kind of candy you can imagine. My eyes turn quickly towards the sea salt fudge but a voice calls to us 'Y'all wanna try some praline?'. We try just a little bite and we can see why this place might be the best in NOLA. We buy 4 pieces ($10) and bring them home to try again.

Each piece is individually wrapped, like a little present to yourself, and they verge on sickly sweet. Thick praline that starts as rock hard but them melts in the mouth, followed by pecan galore. Maria can only handle half, but Anthony can easily eat a whole one. (or two)

Southern Candymakers
334 Decatur StreetNew Orleans, LA 70130

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