2 Apr 2012

Salt Beef at Beigel Bake

Finally it is the Easter Holidays and a chance to eat in some of the many places that have popped up on our radar. Today was a beautiful cold sunny day so we decided to walk to Colombia Flower Market and then headed off to Beigel Bake to sample their famous Salt Beef beigels.

I have been a big salt beef fan since Pam took me to Selfridges many years ago and introduced me to the delights of the salt beef on rye with hot mustard and a juicy pickle. 

The famous beigles did not disappoint! The long queue gave us the perfect opportunity to watch the beigles being made, the beigles were still warm from the oven and the salt beef was juicy and melted in your mouth. 

On our walk down Brick Lane we saw the most amazing noodles being made. I stood fascinated while these noodles seemed to appear in the chef's hands as if by magic! 

Unfortunately we were too full of beigel to attempt a bowl of noodles but we will be back...

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