28 Jun 2013

El Paraiso - San Antonio

Maria has, for a while, fancied a Paletas - or a popsicle in American. We have heard about a few good places in Texas and El Paraiso was one of them.

The places was not was we were expecting. The sign outside said 50c each, or 38c each if you buy over 50 - 'self service'. So we were curious to see how this was going to work. When we went inside there were 4 or 5 big freezers full of paletas, and a few buckets on the top for you to put your purchases in. There were people filling up the buckets with the little popsicles, and we were watching in wonder as they raided the freezers.

We looked at the variety of flavours (flavors if you must) of paletas, which included watermelon, coffee, cookies and cream, pickle, mango and chili. Maria went for a mango and Anthony for a cookies and cream. Once we bit into them we realised (realized) what they were - Mini-Milks - or a variety of such. They tasted really good but were a little milky, but they stood up to the 35 degree heat quite well. We have heard about a famous paletas stall in NAshville. We will have to see if they are any better.

El Paraiso
1934 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio
(210) 737-8101

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