Dancing and ANUS! (we might as well say it now because we will be using that term a little later in the post.) This about sums up what Pencere on a friday night. The dancing was interesting and culturally significant - well, not really. Girls in odd outfits dancing around when the dance floor was free. The food (and beer) however was not bad.
There was a large of group of us that invaded this rather large, expat style bakuvian restaurant. Since we were unsure of what we wanted, or what was good, we decided to ask the waiter to order for us.
We started with lots of rice, dolma and aubergine dips, the last was a winning dish. smooth and tangy. Anthony saw there was a dark beer on the menu, and since this was the first he had seen he had to order it. It was very dark and very smooth. One of the other teachers said it had no alcohol so he had to order another one to check.
Next up were a selection of breads, meats, and chips. Yes - more chips!
Finally we get to the dish everyone wants to know about. Anus. It wasn't really anus but kidneys, liver and possible tripe. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. All of it was over cooked. But if any one asks. We ate an anus in Baku.
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