21 Dec 2012

Com ga Ba Nga - chicken Rice -Hoi An

Another of Tu's recommendations was a local spot serving chicken rice. This was very different from the touristy spots in the main part of the town, and we were interested to see what the food would be like.

The dish was very simple, poached chicken and sticky rice served with chili sauce, a mountain of fresh herbs and a green papaya and raw onion salad. Each aspect of the dish was fresh and well prepared but it did not capture our imagination in the same way that most other dishes have. Having said that, it is a dish that would be simple to recreate at home and I look forward to playing with the textures and flavones of the dish when we get back to Baku.

Com ga Ba Nga

8 phan chau trinh, Hoi An

Cost: 50,000 VND

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